Jag och en kompis fick äran att göra en fabel på skolan då vi var färdiga med den obligatoriska uppgiften.
OBS Den är inte seriös och inte bra engelska !!!

Once upon a time it was a snowmobile named sputnik and a lynx rs 800. The sputnik challenged the lynx to a rock of on water. In the middle of a lake they found a big polynyas with is a big hole in the ice. The Lynx drove over the 150 inch long polynyas with big success. Now it was the sputniks turn, he used full throttle from the other side of the lake and he also managed to drove over the hole of death. It was a very nice weather and the guy who drove the sputnik took his shirt off. The man who drove the Lynx rs reacted on the other guys huge man boobs. The sputnik guy started to get sad because the Lynx guy laughed at his man boobs so the sputnik guy challenged the lynx guy once again but now he found an even bigger and longer hole in the ice. The Lynx guy laughed so he cried because he didn’t think that the sputnik could drive over the big polynyas. “Laserturken” pulled the throttle and at the middle of the hole he started to sink . The hole sputnik was soon under the water surface. But a big mega dolphin came under the sputnik and pushed him up on the other side of the polynya. The lynx driver was chocked and started up his snowmobile. He went 1337 feet away from the polynya and turned. At the same time as he pulled the throttle he screamed like Justin beaver and when he touched the water the snowmobile pulled up and he felt of from the seat. The “laserturken” cheered and started to make “kaos” with the onlookers. And they lived happy all day long and became millionaires.

Made by Anton Aronsson and Emanuel Lidström the fall 2010.